Winterberry Charter School is a Waldorf-inspired charter school located in Anchorage, Alaska. Our hope is to partner with them to share our resources.

Alliance for Childhood - Information about play and the effects of media on children in early childhood.

Waldorf Answers - For a look at traditional Waldorf schools and education

US Charter Schools

Partnership for Alaska Charter Schools (PACS)

Lifeways Center - Waldorf-inspired and relationship based early childhood program

You and Your Child's Health - Susan Johnson is a Pediatrician who has written many articles on Children's health and how best to educate them by meeting them where they are now. We particularly like her article, "Teaching our children to write, read and spell - A developmental approach"

Sunrise Waldorf School - A Waldorf school in BC, Canada.

Why Waldorf Works

Waldorf World

Teacher's Training

Americans for Waldorf Education - Information about Waldorf Education and corrections of myths, misunderstandings and misinformation about Waldorf education which sometimes appear in the media and on the Internet.

The Waldorf Promise - A documentary that explores the use of Waldorf methods in eight public schools in the United States. You can also find this documentary available on Netflix.