Enrollment Spaces Available for the 2010-2011 year

Last updated: 4/26/2010

Total Spots
 Spots Available
held for faculty/staff
# on

 11 3
 48 9 3
 Full 2
 Full 31

Enrollment Lottery Process

Birchtree Charter School's Open Enrollment period and lottery procedure will take place in the spring of the year of enrollment. All prospective students, grades Kindergarten through 8th, will be given the opportunity to enroll in the free public charter school, regardless of race, color, national or ethnic origin, religion, gender, social or economic status, or special needs.

The following shall be given preference for admission to the school:
  • Children of founding families
  • Siblings of students currently enrolled in the school (siblings are defined as any two students who share a legal parent/guardian)
  • Children of school faculty and staff

Intent to enroll forms will be available no later than the last week of March from BCS Main Office (once the school opens) and may be downloaded or filed from the BCS website. These intent forms should be completed and returned as soon as possible but no later than April 15th, so that should the need arise, those names will be included in the lottery (a random drawing). They will be dated according to when they are received.

On April 16th, if the number of pupils who wish to attend the charter school exceeds the school's capacity, attendance, except for preferences listed above, shall be determined by a lottery (a random drawing). The lottery will be held on the first Wednesday following April 15th at 7pm in the school foyer (once the school opens). The results will be witnessed and parents will be notified of the results. BCS commits to making the lottery and enrollment procedures and practices clear and transparent to parents, staff and community.

Any applications received after April 15th will be dated and timed. Children listed on these applications will be added to the list for their grade in the order they are received. If openings are available, the children will be given a spot in Birchtree Charter School. If there are no openings, they will be added to the wait list.

As openings occur mid year, families on the waiting list will be contacted regarding the vacancy. They have 48 hours to accept the available opening. If they decline the offer, their name is removed from the waiting list and they must resubmit an intent form the following spring and participate in the stated admission procedures, including a possible lottery.